Tuesday 19 May 2015

Get Free [ .tk ] Domain With WEBHOSTING

easy tutorial to register a free .tk domain name and use free hosting with the registered .tk domain.

About .tk Domain:

Dot TK is a joint venture of the Government of Tokelau, a country in the South Pacific, the countries communication company Teletok and BV Dot TK, a privately held company. The Government of Tokelau has appointed BV Dot TK as the exclusive registration entity. BV Dot TK is doing business as the Dot TK Registry.

Features of Free Hosting:

1) 1.5 GB hosting space.
2) 100 GB bandwidth.
3) Unlimited Domains.
4) 5 Emails.
5) Free Web builder.
6) PHP Mysql support.
7) 99% uptime.
8) FTP support.


1. Go to the website http://www.dot.tk/en/index.html and check the availability of the domain to be registered.

2. If the domain name is available proceed to next step.
3. In a new tab open this web page http://www.000webhost.com/order.php
4. Enter your details in the form and enter the domain which is to be hosted.
5. Now confirm your Email address with 000webhost.
6. After confirmation go the c-panel of your domain in 000webhost.
7. In your c-panel, in the main menu click ‘View Account Details’.
8. Now note the nameserver details in the page.
9. Now go back to the Dot TK registration page.
10. Select Use DNS in the  ‘Use your new domain’ menu.
11. Then select ‘Your own DNS’ and enter the nameserver details noted from the 000webhost ‘View Account Details’ page.
12. Then select the registration period, You can select up to a maximum of 12 months.
13. Enter the verification code and click sign up.
14. Sign up with any of the social networking services.
15. Then you will get a confirmation message for your registration, and you have successfully registered your free .tk domain and use free hosting.
Your .tk website will be up and running within 24 hours, since DNS propagation takes a lot of time.
To upload your files use FTP softwares such as FileZilla.
Enjoy :)
Thanks for liking my blog so much. Images take from : learn2crack.com

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